None illa Official Website

Home of Artist & Future Music Mogul None illa

Official website of aspiring mogul, artist and motivational speaker None illa.

Your place for up-to-date information on the Mogul Mined Podcast, #MomentOfKnowledge, #LetsTalkMusiq, 2ill Media, and all affiliates.

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A look into the Diamond known as None illa.

While relaxing after a long day, workout, and just giving some time to God… He placed upon me that I should share some things about me… If this encourages you great!... if by any way shape, form, or fashion you are affected. Reach out and let me know, please… Life is truly about defining one’s self. It takes us all a minute to realize this, and some of us actually never do.

Take me for example, raised by both sets of grandparents, oldest sibling and not too many in my corner. When you grow up seeing your parents not fully there or strong enough for themselves, it slowly sinks in that they cannot be strong enough for you. As a child we are taught to dream… “You can be whatever you want when you grow up, etc.” As an adult it is constantly reinforced that you need to get a job… need to pay bills… and slowly you realize that being a complete adult we rarely live our dreams…

Many don’t associate creativity with childhood… or with the similarities of a child. Truthfully that’s EXACTLY what it is… But many of us will NEVER chase our dreams. But why? It isn’t because we no longer have them, its not because we are happy with being unsatisfied, most of the time its because of what OTHERS think.

I grew up having fun, grew up around music constantly… Yet I have always thought differently than everyone else, especially when I lost the closest person to me… I made 1 promise… “I will always give it my all in EVERYTHING I do”… The whole way through middle school, I grew apart from people… Mainly because their mindset wasn’t planned on advancement. I have never had an issue with anyone, we just communicated less and less.

I realized no one has EVER had my back on this journey. I have had more “you cant’s”, “you wont’s”, “do it this way”, “ill be here to say I told you so”… and the list goes on. What finally woke me up is that I am aiming to things that NO ONE that I personally know has EVER done. A dog can not take advice from a cat on how to bark… A person without an umbrella can not tell you how to keep dry correct?

Many times in life we get so stuck on other’s opinions that their thoughts actually come true. Im 25 now, and have travelled to many different places, worked with many different people in my industry, made a lot of connections, worked in 3 different CAREER level positions…  and EVERY move I made I let God lead…

There are so many things that I have never had the support for, and I learned it. Ironically now God has led me to share my knowledge with others. Even some of the people who wanted to see me fail, now ask for advice.

All I want to say is this. There are so many people who will unintentionally hold you back. The drive to succeed comes from within… You CAN DO ANYTHING you put your mind to.

I have lost 100 lbs, through various name-calling and doubt. I grabbed my Associates in Music while others said I couldn’t get it.  I am currently pursuing my Bachelor’s in Music Business, when others have already gave up… Anything is possible.

EVERY move starts 1 step at a time… Every CHANGE starts with acceptance of what you NEED to change. Whether its personal relationships, or business ones, put your pride aside and see how YOU can make a situation more valuable. Don’t if you set UNREALISTIC GOALS… the PERFECT way to accomplish it is to Set REALISTIC Milestones…

Never stop… the biggest motivation is to imagine your destination, not the drive… Its not about how many breaths you take, but how many moments that take your breath away.

May you all be blessed!

Diamond aka None illa

If you are blessed with a gift… make sure you bless someone else by sharing it… Gifts are meant to be given, and the truest blessings are ones in which you bless others.

#MOK Life's math... Does yours add up?

In life many people will attempt to ADD their opinions. Many of which truly SUBTRACT your motives/goals, and will discourage your outlook.

Watch out for those who will not help MULTIPLY your success.

But will attempt to DIVIDE your final result...

This EQUALS a headache...

Remember even when you put water and oil in the same cup the oil will ALWAYS separate... Be blessed and continue to strive for the win! With God's Guidance!

- None illa
