None illa Official Website

Home of Artist & Future Music Mogul None illa

Official website of aspiring mogul, artist and motivational speaker None illa.

Your place for up-to-date information on the Mogul Mined Podcast, #MomentOfKnowledge, #LetsTalkMusiq, 2ill Media, and all affiliates.

Don't be a rapper... Be a Musician... Don't focus on a JOB... work towards a Career

The moment when you're laying/sitting there.. You're looking at your bank account and its low... You are looking at your generation at work/school... you're realizing NO ONE cares about the tattoos and jordans you bragged about the last few months... No one cares that you are TRYING to live off of saying you're a RAPPER... Your home studio and instrumentals you don't own are becoming dusty... Yes it has happened to a lot of these RAPPERS... and thats because they dont truly appreciate the art and craft of trying to be successful... Go out an get a CAREER... sooner or later it wont be 'cool' anymore... Just food for thought... because explaining to your children that you are a 30-year old, broke rapper with NOTHING to show for it except a few tattoos, and improperly mixed/marketed mixtapes will not INSPIRE them to grow..

If you do not have a SESAC, BMI, or ASCAP... chances are you are not getting your royalties... Not getting radio spins (LEGIT ONES)... and NOT getting paid off of your music...

#TuesdayMotivation #Blessed...

Just trying to help... Improve your life and create something to fallback on.